Threat Detection Policy - Internal Emails

Internal emails refer to emails exchanged between employees of an organization. For internal emails, Avanan applies the threat detection policy workflows of
incoming emails.

However, the internal emails are inspected in Detect and Remediate protection mode even if the policy is in Protect (Inline) mode. As a result, some workflows do not apply to them and are automatically replaced with these fallback workflows.

Threat Detection Policy Workflow for Incoming Emails Threat Detection Policy Workflow for Internal Emails Comments
Quarantine (Protect (Inline) or Detect and Remediate protection mode) Quarantine (Protect (Inline) or Detect and Remediate protection mode) N/A
Email is allowed. Deliver to Junk Email is allowed. Deliver to Junk N/A
Do nothing Do nothing N/A
Email is allowed, Header is added to the email Do nothing If you want the fallback workflow as Quarantine, contact Avanan Support.
User receives the email with a warning User receives the email with a warning N/A
Require end users to enter the password Require end users to enter the password Workflow relevant for Password-Protected Attachments.
Add [SPAM] to subject Add [SPAM] to subject N/A
Deliver with Smart Banners Do nothing N/A