Secure Your Email in a Few Clicks

Need to improve your email security? It doesn't take long. In just a few clicks, you can set up Avanan and immediately see the results. Don't believe us? See it for ...

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Phishing via Google Forms

We’ve been writing extensively about BEC 3.0 attacks.

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The Rise in Email Phishing Attacks Amidst the Israel-Hamas Conflict  

Threat actors have long taken advantage of current events -- from natural disasters to regional holidays and cultural moments -- to deceive people.

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Extending QR Code Phishing Capabilities with Link Rewriting

Recently, we've seen a large rise in QR-code, or Quishing, attacks. These QR codes are delivered via email and contain a link to a malicious credential harvesting pa...

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Manage Spam With Intelligent AI

One person's spam is another person's newsletter. These differing opinions in how end-users view emails fall into a larger category called graymail. It could be a sp...

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QR Code Attacks Have Global Reach 

Cybercriminals are launching incredibly sophisticated "quishing” campaigns armed with malicious QR codes. Attack volumes have grown 2,400% since May, including an at...

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The Rise in QR Code Attacks

Recently, we've seen a lot of news about Quishing--or QR Code phishing. This is when the link behind a QR code is malicious, but the QR code itself is not. There was...

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Preventing QR Code Phishing: Increased Visibility for Admins

The hottest trend in the world of email security is quishing or QR Code phishing.

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