BBTok: Analyzing Banking Malware

Recently, Check Point Research (CPR) made an alarming discovery in Latin America - an ongoing campaign deploying a fresh variant of the BBTok banking malware. This n...

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Preventing QR Code Phishing From Reaching the Inbox

Recently, we've seen a lot of news about Quishing--or QR Code phishing. This is when the link behind a QR code is malicious, but the QR code itself is not. There was...

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VIDEO: Phishing via Google Ads

We've been writing more and more about the ways in which hackers are utilizing Google services to launch phishing attacks. One of the ways they are doing this is by ...

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Attack Breakdown: BEC in Action

BEC attacks are financially damaging and difficult to stop. It's why hackers continually launch these attacks. In this video, we break down one example of a BEC atta...

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Account Takeover Attack: How This Hotel Almost Lost $50,000

In an account takeover (ATO) attack, an attacker gains unauthorized access to the credentials for a user’s online account. This access can then be used for identity ...

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Breaking Down the Remcos Malware Attempts on Colombian Banks

Check Point researchers recently discovered a large-scale phishing campaign in Colombia targeting over 40 prominent companies. The attackers aimed to discreetly inst...

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VIDEO: Phishing via Google Docs

We've written a lot recently about how Google services are being utilized by hackers as a springboard for carrying out phishing attacks. One of those services is Goo...

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Breaking Down PayPal BEC 3.0 Scams

We've written a lot about how scammers are using PayPal for BEC 3.0 scams. This means tat hackers are sending invoices directly from PayPal, not a spoofed site. That...

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Phishing via Adobe

We’ve been talking about it week after week—hackers are using legitimate services for illegitimate means.

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Breaking Down ZeroFont Phishing Attacks

We first wrote about ZeroFont phishing a few years ago, and it remains one of our most viewed stories here. Why? Because it's an innovative technique that hackers ha...

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