Avanan Blog Attack Briefs (5)

URL-Based Phishing: Fake Louis Vuitton

Phishing through URL-based scams is a deceitful tactic used by hackers to obtain confidential information from users by creating fake links that mimic legitimate one...

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Teams Attacks Continue to Spread

Last week, we wrote about a new Teams malware variant making the rounds. As we wrote, the vulnerability essentially allows hackers to bypass all security measures an...

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Finding Phishing Help via Facebook

Cybercriminals have a sneaky technique up their sleeves - brand phishing, also known as brand impersonation or brand spoofing. This tactic involves assuming the iden...

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New Teams Attack Delivers Instant Malware

A recently discovered vulnerability in Microsoft Teams has opened the door for non-employees to effortlessly send harmful files to employees without undergoing any s...

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Phorm Phishing: Using Form Service APIs to Steal Credentials

In recent months, Check Point Research has observed a surge in phishing attacks that exploit reputable online form builder services like Formspark, Formspree, EmailJ...

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PDF-Based Attacks on the Rise: Here's How Deep Learning Can Prevent Them

In June, 43% of all malicious files were PDFs, indicating a significant rise in their use for malicious purposes.

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URL-Based Phishing: The Fake Meta Mask Page

URL-based phishing tricks users into providing sensitive information to hackers through fake links that imitate legitimate ones. We've been looking at some examples ...

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Classic Account Takeover via the Direct Deposit Change

One of the key capabilities of an email security solution is the ability to detect anomalies. When something happens that's out of the ordinary, it can be a sign tha...

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URL-Based Phishing: The Fake Instagram

One of the biggest problems with online security is URL-based phishing. These attacks involve fake links that mimic legitimate ones, tricking users into entering sen...

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