Avanan Blog Attack Briefs (7)

Phishing From QuickBooks

The new wave of phishing that we’ve talked a lot about is BEC 3.0. Essentially, it’s the ability for hackers to sign up for a free account somewhere, send out an inv...

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The Replier Attack

Email messages aren’t always what they seem. We talk often about how hackers obfuscate text and code within messages. That can be an effective way to bypass security...

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The Microsoft Reply Attack

One of the most spoofed brands in phishing attacks is Microsoft.

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Have You Seen These Phishing Attacks? If So, Beware

We see phishing campaigns all the time--dedicated, long-standing attempts to hit end-users.

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The Cloud Storage Re-Up Attack

Hackers always try to prey on end-users’ fear, uncertainty, and doubt. It’s all about tricking end-users into doing something they don’t want to do–namely, handing o...

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How Does Ransomware Spread?

Ransomware. The word is enough to send shivers down any IT professional's spine.

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Why Do Governments Get Hacked So Often?

Governments are among the most attacked industries in the world. Why? Because they hold incredible amounts of data. That data is gold for hackers.

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BEC 3.0 - Legitimate Sites for Illegitimate Purposes 

Security services have a problem and it’s called BEC 3.0.

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