Avanan Blog Attack Briefs (15)

Hackers Attach Malicious .exe Files to Teams Conversations

Microsoft Teams continues to grow in popularity. Teams counts 270 million monthly active Teams users; that's up a tidy 20 million from July 2021.

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How Hackers Follow Up Successful Campaigns

When hackers find something that works, they keep going at it until it doesn't.

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Hackers Find Success Spoofing Walgreens, Keep At It

Last week, we published an Attack Brief that highlighted how hackers are spoofing Walgreens.

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Using .ppam Files to Wrap Executable Content

PowerPoint has a number of add-on files that add features and capabilities. One of these is the .ppam file.

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Walgreens Spoof Leads to Credential Harvesting

Spoofing brands is an effective way for phishers to get into the inbox and to convince end-users to click.

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BECs Are Tough to Stop. Unless You Have Avanan

Have you ever gotten an email like this from your boss?

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DHL Notice Delivers Malware

Every quarter, Check Point tracks the brands that were most frequently imitated by hackers.

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How to Stop a BEC Attack

Business Email Compromise attacks are some of the most pernicious out there. They are an ideal combination of seemingly innocent yet incredibly difficult to stop. Th...

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Hello, This is Credential Harvesting Calling

It is very simple to get voicemail notifications as an email. Any VoIP phone system can do it. It’s popular because it’s convenient and efficient. Plus, it’s been in...

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Missed Delivery Messages as a Pretext for Phishing

The feeling is familiar: waiting for an important email, only to find that the message has been held up, either by a security solution or another reason.

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