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Jonathan Gold-Shalev

MSP Portal - Customer Tenant Role Based Access Control

Administrators can now control which customer tenants each MSP Portal user has access to

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Enhanced Navigation through Settings

The left side navigation menu was reorganized to help you find settings more easily.

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Email Attachment Cleaning (CDR)

Administrators can now choose to sanitize attachments before delivering them to end users.

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SmartVault - Secure Messaging for Outgoing Gmail Emails

Administrators can now choose to encrypt outgoing Gmail Email as part of the DLP policy

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Re-Writing Links behind QR Codes

Link re-writing is enhanced to also replace QR codes with new ones that point to a re-written link

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Enhanced Navigation through Exceptions

The navigation menu for the different exceptions has been consolidated, along with other small navigation changes.

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Custom Retention for Archived Emails

Administrators can now decrease or increase the retention period of archived emails

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Smart Banners – Educational Email Banners Added Automatically via AI

Educational email banners to incoming emails, raising cyber awareness and company policy compliance

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Enhanced Visibility to Malicious QR Codes

Security teams can now easily get visibility to links that are behind QR codes and were detected as malicious.

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SmartVault – Secure Messaging by Avanan for Microsoft 365 Emails

Administrators can configure their DLP policy for Microsoft 365 emails to send out emails encrypted by Avanan

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