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Jonathan Gold-Shalev

Mail Explorer Search by Microsoft Message ID

Administrators and Help Desk users can now search for emails based on their Microsoft Message ID

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Customized Scheduling of the Daily End-User Quarantine Report (Digest)

Administrators can now customize when and how many times a day their end-users receive the quarantine report (digest)

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Custom Sensitivity Level for DLP Policies

Custom sensitivities can now be defined for DLP Rules, so that different workflows are triggered for different scales of data leakage

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New Supported Data Types to Prevent Leakage of Bulgarian Data

Administrators can now enforce DLP policies on specific data types relevant to the Bulgarian market

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Instantly Blocking Compromised Accounts

Administrators can now block users that are detected as compromised or reset their password

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Releasing Suspected Phishing Emails from Quarantine without Admin Approval

Administrators can now allow end users to release Suspected Phishing emails without additional approval

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Email Retention Policy Management

Administrators can now configure how many days emails will be stored for, based on the threats detected in them.

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Enhanced Reporting on Microsoft / Google Misses and Detected Phishing Teams Messages

The Security Checkup report now details the way Microsoft / Google would have handled malicious emails and provides visibility to detected phishing Teams messages

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Infrastructure Upgrade to Support Our Fast Growth

As part of an infrastructure upgrade, over the next two months IP addresses and networks will be added to the definitions of the Avanan Connectors, Transport Rules and Connection Filters.

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Connecting Multiple Avanan Tenants to a Single Microsoft 365 Account

Organizations can now set up separate Avanan portals, each managing a different user group in the company’s Microsoft 365 account

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