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Jonathan Gold-Shalev

Email Direction Filter in Mail Explorer

Mail Explorer now allows filtering emails based on their direction

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Continuing the Infrastructure Upgrade for our Microsoft Customers

A reminder about the continuous work to upgrade the infrastructure of our support for Microsoft applications

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Multi-Factor Authentication Support for Google Service Users

Multi-Factor Authentication can now be enabled for the Avanan service user created when connecting to Google Workspace.

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Dedicated Mailbox for Alerts on Compromised Accounts

Administrators can now configure a dedicated mailbox to which alerts on compromised accounts will be sent.

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Automatically Blocking Compromised Accounts – Default Behavior Change

Harmony Email & Collaboration to automatically block compromised accounts by default

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Granular Control over Automatically Blocking Microsoft 365 Administrators

Microsoft 365 administrators can now be excluded from the automatic workflow to block detected compromised accounts

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Granular Selection of Malware Emulation Operating Systems

Administrators can now select the operating systems to be used by the Anti-Malware’s sandbox to emulate files

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Enhanced Auditing on Administrative Actions in the MSP Portal

The Avanan MSP Portal now includes a dedicated view of all actions performed by MSP users

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Enhanced visibility to Microsoft Detection and Enforcement

Administrators now get instant visibility to how Microsoft Defender classified every email and which enforcement action it intended to perform on it

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New Service Status Reporting Interface

A new in-portal Interface for administrators to stay updated on maintenance activities and service status

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