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Jonathan Gold-Shalev

End User Email Security (Quarantine) Portal

A dedicated portal for end users to view and restore their quarantined emails.

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MSP Portal - Simplified Customer Addition Form

The form administrators fill to create a new tenant is now simplified and shortened

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Overriding Microsoft High-Confidence Phish False Positives

Administrators can select to automatically release emails from the Microsoft quarantine if Avanan classifies them as clean.

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Dedicated Permission to View and Edit the Policy

Operations and Read-Only users can now be granted a permission to view and edit the Policy section.

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Dedicated Policy View-Only Permission

Operation and Read-Only users can now be granted view-only permission to the Policy section.

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Exceptions for the Password-Protected Attachments Workflow

Administrators can exclude external senders from the default workflow of handling emails with password-protected attachments

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Tighter Enforcement of SPF Settings before Applying Custom From Addresses for Notifications

Configured custom From addresses for end user and admin notifications will only be applied after required changes to the SPF record are verified

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Presenting End User Phishing Reports Submitted via the Microsoft Report Message Add-in – Footprint Update

Small changes will be made to your Microsoft 365 settings to continue ingesting phishing reports via the Microsoft Report Message Add-in

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Alert Employee’s Manager on DLP Violations

Administrators can now configure email alerts to managers whenever their employees violate the DLP policy

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MSP Portal - Automatic Notification and License Assignment when Trial Ends

MSP administrators can now be notified when a customer POC expires and automatically assign a license to the expired tenant.

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