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Jonathan Gold-Shalev

Enhanced Protection against Zero-Day Malware behind Direct Download Links

Files that are behind direct download links are now emulated by the Check Point sandbox

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Trusted Senders – End-User Spam Allow-List

Administrators can allow end-users to trust senders so that emails classified as Spam from those senders are delivered to their mailbox

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Filter Emails Detected due to a Microsoft Transport Rule

Administrators can now search Mail Explorer for emails that are detected due to a Microsoft Transport Rule

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Creating MSP End-Customer Portals Restricted to UK and UAE

Avanan MSPs can now create end-customer portals with data residency either in the UK or UAE

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Custom Logo for SmartVault End User Interactions

Custom logos added by administrators will now also apply to SmartVault.

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Enhanced Visibility to Pending Restore Requests and Phishing Reports

The overview dashboard is enhanced to include the number of phishing reports, restore requests and risky partners and an indication of whether or not compromised accounts are blocked automatically.

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MSP Portal – Enhanced User Experience for Managing Tenants

A fresh look and feel and some performance improvements to the Manage Tenants page of the MSP Portal

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Automated Feedback to End Users Reporting Phishing Training Emails

Administrators can now configure an automated feedback to be sent to end users when they report phishing training emails as phishing.

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Custom Sender for End-User Notifications about Approved and Declined Requests

Administrators can configure a custom sender for notifications sent to end users on approved/declined quarantine restore requests and reports on phishing emails.

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Sending Quarantine Restore Request Notifications to any Recipient

Administrators can now send notifications about users submitting restore requests to any recipient

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