Administrators can now decrease or increase the retention period of archived emails
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Administrators can now decrease or increase the retention period of archived emails
Educational email banners to incoming emails, raising cyber awareness and company policy compliance
Security teams can now easily get visibility to links that are behind QR codes and were detected as malicious.
Administrators can configure their DLP policy for Microsoft 365 emails to send out emails encrypted by Avanan
Outgoing Gmail emails containing DLP violations can now be blocked before being sent out.
Avanan to change the default protections for compromised accounts and password-protected attachments
Administrators can now customize the text of the link users click to generate an on-demand quarantine report (digest)
Administrators can now customize the footer and description texts in the end user quarantine report (digest) and remove the section of the emails delivered to Junk.
End users can now generate a fresh quarantine report (digest) for the last 24 hours at any time.
Administrators now have visibility to how Avanan classified emails that Google decided to let through to end users and are able to filter emails by Google’s enforcement decision.