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Jonathan Gold-Shalev

URL Reputation Exceptions – Now also for Emails

URL Reputation exceptions are now applied not only to Slack and Teams messages, but also to emails and clicks on re-written links.

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Custom Query Export Enhancements

Administrators can now export Custom Query results in XSLX format and results more than 10,000 lines.

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Partner Risk Assessment – Detection of Potentially Compromised Partners

Administrators now have visibility to the partners they work with and are alerted on partners that are potentially compromised.

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Events Dashboard Now Includes Events for Emails Quarantined by Microsoft

When looking through security events, administrators can now also see events on emails quarantined by Microsoft

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Enhanced Filtering on Emails based on Microsoft and Avanan Verdict and Enforcement

In Mail Explorer, administrators can now define And or Or operators between the different Microsoft and Avanan detections and enforcements.

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Reduced SPF Record Footprint for Outgoing Traffic Inspection

When enabling outgoing email protection, administrators now need to add only one entry to their SPF record

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Granular Control of MSP Portal Users’ Access to Customer Data

MSP Portal administrators can now grant help desk users access to the customer’s sensitive data only for emails detected as threats

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Customized Retention Period for Emails with Modified Attachments

Administrators can now customize the retention period for emails whose attachments were removed or modified

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Unified Quarantine - Admin and End User View of All Emails Quarantined by Microsoft and Avanan

The Quarantine View and End User Quarantine Reports now Include Emails Quarantined by Microsoft

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Dedicated Mailbox for Service Status Updates

Administrators can define dedicated mailboxes to receive alerts on service status

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