Avanan Blog Attack Briefs (19)

New Scam Targets Auto Accidents

Avanan researchers have uncovered an attack that spoofs an automobile accident report. Here's what it looks like:

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Phishing and Artificial Intelligence: Aren't We Merely a Sentiment?

A post in occasional series about the ins and outs of data science, by senior AI researcher Natan Katz.

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New Attack Leverages Milanote to Host Phishing Content

A big winner over the pandemic has been the use of collaboration apps. That includes Microsoft Teams and Slack and Zoom, but there are countless apps across the web ...

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Spark a Phish: Another Case of Legitimate Services Used for Attacks

Attackers have found a consistent way to bypass SEG filters and get to the inbox. We've written about it a lot lately, in large part because we continue to see tons ...

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Change of Direction: Too Many Redirects Fool Scanners

A common way for attackers to evade security solutions is to include URL redirects in the body of an email. For security solutions to effectively determine if the UR...

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Don't Close: Scamming Closing Notifications with Credential Harvesting

Avanan researchers have uncovered an attack that leverages the notification of closing documents to send a credential harvesting link.

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The Static Expressway: Leveraging Legit Sites to Get to the Inbox

We've been writing a lot lately about hackers are leveraging legitimate services as attack vectors. This trend is not going away, whether it's Google Docs, MailGun, ...

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Do Not Call List: Hackers Impersonating Amazon to Get You to Call

How many Amazon notifications do you get? (If you're like some, it's a lot.) That means it's a perfect opportunity for hackers to try and exploit it to get some info...

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Attackers Take Advantage of New Google Docs Exploit

Avanan analysts have recently discovered an exploit vector in Google Docs that attackers are using to deliver malicious phishing websites to victims.

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Insecure Services: Spoofing Secure Email Notifications

With the increased attention to email security in every organization, users are getting used to receiving documents sent to them over "secure" services. With sensiti...

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