No matter the industry, no matter the company, one thing is clear—phishing is the number one threat resulting in breaches. You feel it on a daily basis. And it's backed up by the findings of the Verizon Data Breach Investigation Report.

A whopping 91% of breaches start with email. And, by far, Microsoft 365 is the most targeted platform.

It's not good, then, that Microsoft ATP misses 18% of malicious emails—and at least 30% without it

It is a massive burden on your email security operations team.

Now, Avanan is seeking to quantify just how burdensome dealing with the email threat has become.

We've released a new survey that will enable us to understand what SOCs and incident response teams, no matter the industry, are dealing with on a daily basis. 

And when you take the survey, you'll also be automatically entered for a chance to win the new iPhone 12 Pro. You'll also get a bonus entry if you share the survey on LinkedIn or Twitter

For those in the SOC, or who deal with the email threat on a daily basis, this is a chance to get your thoughts heard.

With this data, we'll be able to compile the first-ever look at just how expensive and time-consuming the email threat has become.


Take the Survey Now