Avanan Blog Attack Briefs (23)

Invoiced: When an Ask For Payment Is an Invitation for Malware

Invoice-related spam is common. It doesn't mean, though, that everyone stops it.

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Novel Tax Scam Utilizes Spoofed IRS Address to Defraud Users

Tax season is always ripe with attacks, ranging from the simple to the sophisticated. This particular attack showcases a truly well-crafted and deceptive phishing em...

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The Tax Hack Cometh: Open Season for Tax-Based Attacks

With tax season around the corner, we’re seeing a very expected uptick in tax-related malicious emails. This particular email was malware sent from a domain register...

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Bitcoined: Leveraging the Currency for Attacks

Investing in Bitcoin? You're not alone. Tons of people are. Hackers have noticed and are leveraging it to start attacking end-users.

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The Universal Language of Phishing

It's reasonable to expect that phishing emails that come to your inbox will be in your native tongue.

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SEG Miss of the Week: 2/4/21

This week's SEG miss of the week follows a targeted social engineering attack. Proofpoint missed this attack.

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ATP Miss of the Week: 2/4/21

Today’s ATP Miss of the Week is yet another credential harvesting attack that flew by Microsoft’s security. We have seen this exact attack over 900 times in 20 diffe...

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ATP Miss of the Week: Credential Harvesting Attack

This week, we uncovered a simple credential harvesting attack. We saw this in over 30 organizations, suggesting something targeted.

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ATP Miss of the Week: 1/20/2021

This week, we uncovered an attack that uses both Microsoft Forms and Typeform. We saw this across multiple organizations.

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ATP Miss of the Week: 1/13/2021

This week, we uncovered an attack that uses a Zoom notification. We saw this across multiple organizations and in multiple weeks.

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