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Enhanced Prevention for Threats from Compromised Accounts

Avanan can automatically block all outgoing emails from accounts detected as compromised.

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Tightening Your Security Settings and Workflows

Avanan to change the default protections for compromised accounts and password-protected attachments

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Automatic Retroactive Scanning of Emails from Accounts Detected as Compromised

After detecting an account as compromised, emails previously sent from this account are scanned and - if needed - removed from users’ mailboxes.

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Dedicated Mailbox for Alerts on Compromised Accounts

Administrators can now configure a dedicated mailbox to which alerts on compromised accounts will be sent.

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Automatically Blocking Compromised Accounts – Default Behavior Change

Harmony Email & Collaboration to automatically block compromised accounts by default

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Granular Control over Automatically Blocking Microsoft 365 Administrators

Microsoft 365 administrators can now be excluded from the automatic workflow to block detected compromised accounts

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Detecting Compromised Accounts that Log In from Malicious IP Addresses

Compromised accounts are now detected if they log in from an IP address known to Avanan as malicious.

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AI-Based Detection of Anomalous Logins by Compromised Accounts

Compromised accounts are now detected based on a combination of multiple login parameters.

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Automatically Block Compromised Accounts

Administrators can now configure Avanan to automatically disable users that are detected as compromised.

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Instantly Blocking Compromised Accounts

Administrators can now block users that are detected as compromised or reset their password

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