Smart-Phish now supports Allow-Listing and Block-Listing emails based on their headers
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Smart-Phish now supports Allow-Listing and Block-Listing emails based on their headers
Avanan is excited to announce that the Email details page will now include new info-panels, providing new insights from SmartPhish. The new insights reveal the SmartPhish AI conclusion for the analyze...
Avanan has upgraded the detection and added available actions to mitigate encrypted attachments.
SmartPhish supports both Allowlist and Blocklist rules, which order the engine to skip detection or block the email, respectively.
Avanan SmartPhish now protects Email 'Conversation Hijacking'. Conversation-Hijacking is a type of attack in which the attacker manages to infiltrate legitimate email threads between people, impersona...
SmartPhish now allows to select whether to scan emails directed to non-existing email inboxes. This option may be useful when many phishing emails are directed at non-existing email accounts.
SmartPhish engine configuration "SMTP host/s acting as Mail Transfer Agent/s (MTA)" field now supports IP addresses, as well as domain names.