Email Notifications

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Automated Handling of Emails Reported as Phishing by End Users

A new set of workflows to automatically respond and remediate end user reports on phishing emails.

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Enhanced Security for Actions taken by End Users

End users are required to authenticate before taking actions from email notifications

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Tighter Enforcement of SPF Settings before Applying Custom From Addresses for Notifications

Configured custom From addresses for end user and admin notifications will only be applied after required changes to the SPF record are verified

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Presenting End User Phishing Reports Submitted via the Microsoft Report Message Add-in – Footprint Update

Small changes will be made to your Microsoft 365 settings to continue ingesting phishing reports via the Microsoft Report Message Add-in

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Enhanced Visibility to Pending Restore Requests and Phishing Reports

The overview dashboard is enhanced to include the number of phishing reports, restore requests and risky partners and an indication of whether or not compromised accounts are blocked automatically.

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Automated Feedback to End Users Reporting Phishing Training Emails

Administrators can now configure an automated feedback to be sent to end users when they report phishing training emails as phishing.

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Custom Sender for End-User Notifications about Approved and Declined Requests

Administrators can configure a custom sender for notifications sent to end users on approved/declined quarantine restore requests and reports on phishing emails.

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