The Restore Requests screen and the User Reported Phishing screen have been upgraded to include filters and maintain entries history.
Both screens present requests from the end-users: Restore Requests screen presents requests to release emails from the quarantine; User Reported Phishing screen presents emails that are suspected to be phishing. With the new filters, security admins can now more easily focus on the relevant requests - emails from a specific time, from a specific sender or to a recipient, and text in the subject. In addition, sorting is now supported for all relevant columns.
The screens also present historic entries - all requests or reports by end-users, whether pending or already handled by the admins. The entries history can help admins track the history of requests by their users.
The enhancements to the user-related screens are part of Avanan's effort to improve user-centric email security, allowing admins to provide a better quality of service to their users.