The Inbound and Outbound connectors Avanan is using to connect to Office 365 Email are being modified. 

This change is part of an ongoing improvement process that will fix several email routing issues.


What’s changing 

The type of following Office 365 Email connectors is being modified from ‘On-Premise’ to ‘Partner’.

Connector Name

Current ‘From’

New ‘From’

Current ‘To’

New ‘To’

Avanan Inbound

Your Organization’s email server

Partner Organization

Office 365

Office 365

Avanan Outbound

Office 365

Office 365

Your Organization’s email server

Partner Organization

Avanan Journaling Outbound

Office 365

Office 365

Your Organization’s email server

Partner Organization


You can see the email connectors definition in Exchange Admin Center > Mail Flow > Connectors.


Who’s impacted

  • The Avanan Inbound and Outbound connectors will be modified for all Avanan customers that use Office 365 Email, except the following:
    • The connectors for customers that onboarded Office 365 Email manually will not be modified.
    • In this stage, for customers that use DLP in inline mode, the Inbound connector will not be modified.
  • The Avanan Journaling Connector will be modified for customers that don’t have other inbound On-Premise connectors (‘Your Organization’s email server’) that are not associated with a specific sender domain.


Roll-out plan

This change roll-out will start Sep 8, 2020.