We are excited to announce support for Microsoft Teams as a new platform. Avanan is the first and only security vendor to protect Microsoft Teams!

Microsoft Teams is part of Office 365, a service that offers employees and external collaborators to chat and share files (as well as online meetings). Teams is built for easy collaboration, yet it is just as easy to send malicious files and confidential information to the wrong people. Avanan has collaborated with Microsoft to bring its award-winning protection to Teams using non-public APIs.

The support for Teams is now part of the family of cloud platforms, including Microsoft Office 365 - Email, SharePoint and OneDrive, Google Email and Drive, Slack, and Citrix ShareFile. Avanan adds a layer of security that provides the following security features for Teams:

  • DLP scan of posted text messages and files

  • Malware scan of files

Avanan creates security events for detected text messages and files.


Teams support is released in Public Preview.


You can read the relevant documentation here.

Make sure to read our blog post on the risks in Teams.