Avanan is announces providing security support for Citrix ShareFile. ShareFile Security includes scanning files for Data Loss and Malware.

Avanan Cloud Security for ShareFile

Citrix ShareFile is the secure file sharing and transfer service. ShareFile provides some security solutions but still does not provide other necessary security solutions. Avanan adds a layer of security that provides the following security features for ShareFile:

  • Malware detection with Antivirus
  • Revocable Encryption (for files leaving the ShareFile environment)
  • File Sanitization
  • User Anomaly Detection


  • Secure ShareFile, scanning for Malicious files and Data Leakage (DLP).
  • Generate actionable events on ShareFile malicious content.
  • Integrated solution to protect SaaS platforms, now including ShareFile.


Default Policies

There are 2 default Security Policies for ShareFile:

  1. ShareFile DLP: scans files for potentially leaked information, such as Credit Card and SSN.
  2. ShareFile Threat Protection: scans files loaded to ShareFile for malicious content.


Supported Actions

The supported actions include:

  1. Mark data as Sensitive/Dangerous
  2. Change share policy
  3. Restrict access
  4. Move to Quarantine folder

For more information on the Avanan support for ShareFile see our documentation.