Harmony Email & Collaboration CheckUp

Over 90% of attacks against organizations start from a malicious email.


"Harmony Email & Collaboration was so quick to deploy: we just checked the boxes for the pieces of the security stack we wanted to incorporate, and almost immediately we saw phishing and malware it was catching."

Jim Nonn, CIO, Egan Company

(Snapshot of the report you will receive when your CheckUp is completed. Click here to view the whole document.)

Since email attacks usually involve the human factor, your Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace environments are your organization’s weakest link. Closing this security gap requires protections from various threat vectors: phishing, malware, data theft and account takeover.

The best way to troubleshoot cyber security is with a no-cost Email & Collaboration Security CheckUp from Check Point. Our experts will analyze your network and collect comprehensive data on active threats to your complete environment including:

  • Sophisticated phishing attacks
  • Malware attacks
  • Data leak events
  • Account takeover events