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Avanan Expands Post-Delivery Security with Email Recheck

Written by Jeremy Fuchs | February 16, 2021

The best cybersecurity relies on a defense-in-depth approach. Relying on one solution, or one method, of security only guarantees that something will go through the cracks.

Avanan prides itself on its ability to stop malicious emails before they reach the inbox. Our patented, inline approach indeed does that very well—Avanan’s services reduce phishing attacks by 99.2%. By scanning emails after default security, but before the inbox, Avanan has the unique ability to stop attacks that would’ve otherwise been missed.

However, no security is perfect. In some rare cases, Avanan’s AI engine will take a few seconds to detect a new, emerging attack, and that email will be released to the inbox.

In order to provide complete, defense-in-depth security, Avanan is expanding its post-delivery security with Email Recheck. It extends the security to emails already in the inbox. This is in addition to Avanan’s Click-Time protection, which is a powerful way to prevent attacks that detonate post-delivery and at time of click.

Here’s how Email Recheck works:

  • The process can be triggered in multiple ways, including by end-users and security administrators.
  • The emails in question will be examined by Avanan’s AI, and as needed, by Avanan’s human security experts.
  • If a malicious email is discovered, the analysts will search for similar emails, do a global block action across all Avanan mailboxes, so that all customers will be protected.


Essentially, Email Recheck serves, when needed, as another defense mechanism, one that is reliable and consistent, since it combines a professional analyst and machine algorithms. It is a seamless process, with no configuration or action to take. Nothing is required from security admins. 

By adding this feature, Avanan continues to invest in strengthening its capability to hunt for malicious emails.

Good security depends on layers. The more you have, the likelihood of stopping attacks increases.

That’s how Avanan works. It adds another layer of security behind default or advanced security. Email Recheck adds one more. 

Email security requires cutting-edge machine learning and artificial intelligence, and, when necessary, highly-trained security experts. With Incident Response as a Service, which utilizes trained security researchers to improve the detections of targeted attacks, and now Email Recheck, which improves the detection of global campaigns, Avanan delivers on the combination of ML, AL and trained security experts. These processes harness the power of Avanan’s end-users to strengthen our protection. 

Avanan revolutionized email security by utilizing API to secure email inline. The revolution is continuing with the introduction of Recheck. No email security provider should be above second checking and augmenting its services. Doing so is the responsible thing to do. Avanan will continue to innovate and provide top-notch security to your inboxes, file-sharing and collaboration apps.

That’s defense-in-depth security, the Avanan way.