Avanan | Product Updates

Bug fixes release - Aug 2, 2021

Written by Offir Zigelman | July 29, 2021

Here is a list of issues that were fixed in this release - build PROD_2021_w30.

Issue Key Description
AVSUPPORT-67120 Some emails were not scanned for phishing for a short time, the emails had to be rescanned after the issue was fixed.
AVSUPPORT-67168 ClickTime Protection URL v1 URLs were marked as Spam by Microsoft, issue was sorted out with Microsoft.
AVSUPPORT-66014 Some alerts could not have been dismissed - fails with an authentication error.
AVSUPPORT-65788, AVSUPPORT-64608, AVSUPPORT-62151 Exporting query as CSV did not work for some customers.
AVSUPPORT-66182 ClickTime Protection URL v2 was encoding incorrectly some URLs with multiple close slash (/) characters, URL became broken.
AVSUPPORT-67211 Shadow IT screens presented in bad layout, with some information not displaying as expected. 
AVSUPPORT-67159 A few emails, sent to multiple recipients, were not quarantined due to wrong connectors configuration.
AVSUPPORT-66876 Blocklist page was not filtering free text correctly when pasting some phrases.
AVSUPPORT-67375, AVSUPPORT-65726 Emails that were quarantined also appeared in the Junk table on the daily digest report.