Avanan | Blog

From Knowing ATP "Doesn't Work" to "Awesome" Avanan

Written by Jeremy Fuchs | January 20, 2021

A small governmental agency in the South had been dealing with a number of issues when it came to ATP. Whether it was major COVID-related spear-phishing attacks, to not being able to see the scope of the attacks, they had been seeing a number of issues with ATP.

No matter how much they fiddled with the settings, it was never quite enough. Bad emails were getting through and good emails were getting blocked. They were looking for a solution that was simple to use, easy to analyze and customizable to their needs.

To help stem the tide, the IT director needed some help.

And in the middle of a POC with Avanan, he saw just how powerful that help could be.

Learn how this agency was able to beat back their phishing problem by deploying Avanan in their environment.